Organizational Competencies
The concept of organizational competencies is one of the most misunderstood and misapplied concepts in organizational management. Organizational competencies are often thought to be simply employee skills rather than the compelling cross company core competencies that drive integrated Business execution and management alignment.
A broader definition of organizational competencies focuses on the first word – “organizational”. Under this definition, the organization becomes the focus. It is the organization as a whole that must perform – not just an individual employee. Under this approach the organization must step outside itself and evaluate, what things it does on an ongoing, systemic basis that enables it to achieve its mission.
The Organizational category encompasses those competencies required to manage the institution’s business operations. In general, organizational competencies involve coordinating work both with other institutional divisions and with external entities, optimizing use of available resources, setting short- and long-range goals, and developing the strategies and policies to achieve such goals.
BL&DI offer training in:
- Development of corporate Vision and Mission statements
- Strategy analysis and formulation
- Business Model Generation
- Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecard
- Marketing Plans
- Budgeting and Planning
- Research and Development
- Innovation
- Talent Management
- Project Management